Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kim, Deby and Snorkeling

Kim, Deby, me and Adam after our dive in the Florida State Pennekamp Coral Reef Park in Key Largo.
I met the nicest and coolest couple while snorkeling today! Their names are Kim and Deby. They were so approachable. And an inspiration to me because they have been traveling since the middle of August; they have travelled more than 3,200 miles; and have been camping and riding their bikes the entire time!!! This amazing couple started their journey in Grand Forks, British Columbia and has almost made it to their final destination: Key West! Can you believe that?! Amazing. Adam and I got along so well with them. They were truly one of the nicest couples I have ever met and will be keeping up to date with them by checking up on their blog. You should check it out at: http://www.gearsandsorerears.blogspot.com/. I'm sure they have some amazing stories to share. I may also post a picture of us on the boat from today's snorkeling adventure - if it turns out, and if it's okay with Kim and Deby.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Red Beds

Over the Labor Day weekend, I got a burst of energy and decided to paint the boys' beds red. It was lots of work, but worth it. Major thanks to my neighbor, Eddie! He let me borrow his brand-spanking new spray painter for the head and foot boards. I tell ya, I think I might have the best neighbors in the world! Oh, I almost forgot to tell you: Micah said he doesn't like his bed. Can't you just tell?!?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Beach Blast!

Yesterday, we decided to escape the Central Valley heat by going to the coast. So we packed the van - literally - with our bikes, equipment, kites, towels, extra clothes, and food and headed to Cayucos and Morro Bay. We ended up having a blast. Lily, too!

Friday, August 28, 2009

One step closer


Daniel made the transition from diapers to pull-ups yesterday. We are so proud of him! So far he's been really enjoying it, too. Yay!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Preying Mantis Fun!

The boys and I found something very interesting just hanging around our front porch yesterday morning. It was a cool looking bug!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bring Out The Trumpet

This morning Adam brought out his old trumpet, wiped off the dust and cobwebs, and played a few tunes for the boys. Then he showed them a trick or two. Micah did a really good job for being 4 years old and never playing before. He actually carried a note or two.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

More of Daniel's BD and Sticky Situations...

Thanks Joanna for the pictures!

Mom's spaghetti is my favorite.

Random Funness! Is that a word?

Fixing an uncomfortable situation...

Yep, Micah can stick his tongue up his nose.

Can you???

Daniel and Great Grandpa Vern having a stare-down.

Mimicking Great Grandpa Vern and his love for toothpicks.

Lily having a Mexican Fiesta on the ride back home from the beach!
My "doggie" bag accidentally fell over and directly into her bed. Hmmm...do you think she was praying for that to happen?

Non-stop fun at ChuckE Cheese's!

Yum! I love Baskin Robbins $1 scoop night on Tuesdays!!!

Daniel's 2nd Birthday at the Gilchrist's

Daniel, being a very picky eater, wasn't a fan of eating his cake on his 1st birthday. I guess this year he changed a little? He just couldn't get enough this time. That, plus his birthday being at Nana and Tata's during the 4th of July and his liking of fire in the sky, he was in heaven!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Day 'O Fun

Micah converted his bicycle into a plane
Daniel fixed our fallen Brinks sign
I sanded down the patio furniture
Now, I'm as pink as the shirt I'm wearing
Lovely day...

Getting ready for take-off...

This was a crash landing.

Uh, oh...

All done!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Micah's First Graduation.

Micah graduated from Visalia Christian Preschool on May 27th. He'll still be in preschool until next year, but they like to have a little ceremony for each of the kids. He was so proud of himself. Before he received his diploma, he and his classmates sang us a few songs. So cute!

Micah with his teacher, Miss Vea.

Micah and his classmates performing.

More performances!

A Day At The Beach

Adam and I took the boys to the beach for the first time this year. Our first stop: Cayucos. Then Brian Gilchrist, affectionately called 'Uncle Brian' by our boys, found out that we were within 20 miles of his home in San Louis Obispo. He wasn't too happy that we didn't give him a call to pick him up. So, our second stop (the very next weekend): San Louis Obsipo and Pismo Beach. We all had such a fun time. Lily, too.


Bathing beauties.

More bathing beauties.

Fire truck.

Watch-out ladies! Here I come...

Daniel deathly afraid of the water.